Implementasi Pancasila

Implementasi Pancasila
*Sila Pertama*:
1. Berhenti saling menyakiti, mulailah saling menghargai.
2. Berhenti saling merendahkan, mulailah menghormati perbedaan.
3. Berhenti takabur, mulailah bersyukur.
*Sila Kedua* :
1. Stop marah-marah, mulailah bersikap ramah.
2. Berhenti memaki, mulailah memakai hati
3. Berhenti curiga, mulailah menyapa
*Sila Ketiga*:
1. Berhenti berseteru mulailah bersatu
2. Berhenti memaksakan, mulailah berkorban
3. Berhenti mencari perbedaan, mulailah bergandeng tangan
*Sila Ke Empat* :
1. Berhenti silang pendapat, mulailah mencari mufakat
2. Berhenti besar kepala, mulailah berlapang dada
3. Berhentilah bersilat lidah, mulailah bermusyawarah
*Sila Ke Lima*
1. Berhenti malas mulailah bekerja keras
2. Stop diskriminasi, mulailah toleransi
3. Berhenti menang sendiri, mulailah berbagi.


Pemasangan Pohon Palsu Tanpa Sepengetahuan Anies, Jakarta Kehilangan Wibawanya…

Pemasangan Pohon Palsu Tanpa Sepengetahuan Anies, Jakarta Kehilangan Wibawanya…

Setelah beberapa bulan lalu ngeles pengadaan lift untuk rumah dinas gubernur Anies senilai 750 juta rupiah adalah inisiatif dari kepala Dinas Cipta Karya, Tata Ruang, dan Pertanahan DKI Jakarta, kini giliran gubernur Anies ngeles soal penanaman pohon palsu. 

Anies mengatakan itu adalah kerjaannya Suku Dinas Perindustrian dan Energi Jakarta Pusatyang memasang tanpa koordinasi dengan dirinya.

Maka dengan ini saya nyatakan, sah! Jakarta telah kehilangan wibawanya. Siapapun bisa bermain anggaran tanpa sepengetahuan gubernur.

Memang cara paling enak menghindari cercaan dan hujatan warga adalah ngeles, mengkambing hitamkan bawahannya.

Beginilah kalau pemimpin tidak punya nyali, kontrol yang lemah serta kemampuan managerial yang parah, akhirnya diisengin melulu sama bawahannya, slinthat slinthut pat gulipat cair dah anggaran…

Ini bawahan kalau main begini sama Ahok bisa langsung dipecat kena pecat, tetapi setelah gubernurnya seiman, mereka leluasa "bermain".

Terlepas ini adalah inisiatif siapa, tetaplah gubernur Anies sebagai gubernur yang mendapat malu. Seorang bawahan yang membuat keputusan tanpa koordinasi sama saja dengan melecehkan gubernurnya.

 Jelas ini adalah tindakan fatal dan sebuah kesalahan yang sangat serius. Apakah gubernur Anies akan memecat anak buahnya yang telah mempermalukan dirinya? Saya yakin tidak. Seperti yang sudah sering saya tulis, memecat bawahan adalah pekerjaan paling mudah tetapi sedikit yang berani!Dan Anies salah satu pemimpin yang tidak punya keberanian untuk itu. Paling banter didisiplinkan…

Ketidaktegasan Inilah yang membuat gubernur Anies tidak ada wibawanya dimata bawahan. Kalau Anies pernah mengatakan "takut kepada atasan" adalah warisan Ahok, apakah "lancang terhadap atasan" adalah warisan gubernur Anies? Inilah yang harus menjadi bahan evaluasi gubernur Anies.

Secara bodoh saja kita bisa menilai, pengadaan pohon palsu tidak mungkinlah Anies tidak tahu. Anggaran jutaan bahkan dengar-dengar miliaran aneh jika hanya dianggarkan kepala dinas tanpa sepengetahuan gubernur.

Atau jangan-jangan Anies memang tidak tahu karena sedang plesir ke luar negeri?Alamak! Ya bisa hancurlah Jakarta kalau anggaran ditilep tetapi gubernurnya malah ngeles tidak tahu. Sangat miris memang!…

Ini belum kita bicara dana rehab berat 119 sekolah yang ternyata tidak sesuai spesifikasi, kita belum bicara kemana uang 1 miliar pengadaan nasi box tarawih bersama di Istiqlal, belum lagi gaji guru madrasah yang konon 5 bulan mengendap entah kemana.

Nanti saya akan tulis soal rehab berat 119 sekolah di Jakarta yang juga terdapat banyak kejanggalan. Tapi nanti yah, laptop mau saya charger dulu.
*Selamat siang*😋👌

Big Banks are Investing Heavily in Blockchain and Crypto: $364 Billion Investment Firm


Big Banks are Investing Heavily in Blockchain and Crypto: $364 Billion Investment Firm

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Steve Chiavarone, a portfolio manager at Federated Investors, a US-based investment firm that oversees $364 billion in customer assets, stated that blockchain technology will drive the fourth industrial revolution, echoing the stance of many large-scale investors and politicians, including Seoul mayor Park Won-soon.

"When you think about it from an enterprise perspective, it has the ability to replace reconciliation, which is expensive and requires back office, time, and paperwork, with more instantaneous verification. What that means is, companies can have more efficient supply chains. They can cut their back and middle office costs and that will allow businesses to flow more efficiently and will allow cost to be cut and that savings to be passed along. We think blockchain will one of five key technologies along with automation, robotics, AI, and the Internet of Things," said Chiavarone in an interview withCNBC.

Big Banks are in Crypto

Major banks such as JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, and Bank of America cooperate with large-scale conglomerates and enterprises to provide banking services, loans, and business solutions. Other than that, enterprises also work with third party service providers and spend millions of dollars on a quarterly basis for audits, reconciliation, and manual labor costs to sustain their supply chains and minor operations.

Chiavarone stated that many major banks have started to invest heavily in the blockchain and cryptocurrency sector to facilitate the growing demand from banks for cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. Initially, bitcoin was the only way to access blockchain technology. Recently, Chiavarone stated that banks have started to explore a wide range of blockchain networks and technologies.

goldman sachs
Goldman Sachs has announced that it will launch a bitcoin trading operation.


"A lot of investors went into bitcoin first because it was the first way to access blockchain. Big banks are investing in this heavily. Bank of America boasted at Davos that they're investing the most," he added.

Blockchain startups like Bluzelle have already built trusted blockchain networks for large-scale conglomerates such as HSBC, KPMG, Microsoft, and MUFG, which have also continued to leverage blockchain networks like Ethereum and Ripple through several blockchain consortia.

Chiavarone emphasized that if blockchain startups and networks can succeed in replacing back offices, extensive labor, and eliminate costs involved in running supply chains, blockchain technology could lead the next industrial revolution.

"Any company that runs supply chains can benefit from blockchain technology and it is some of the tech names that underlie that kind of technology. Whether it be Nvidia or Intel, or any kind of company that's around processing power that enables blockchain verification or the beneficiaries of it [are good investments]," said Chiavarone, noting that merely investing in companies that may benefit from blockchain technology is a smart investment strategy.

Cryptocurrency Startups

Some of the world's largest investment firms like Federated Investors are exploring the stocks of conglomerates like Intel and Nvidia that could merely benefit from blockchain technology. The sole beneficiaries of the growth of the blockchain sector including cryptocurrency businesses, blockchain startups, and blockchain networks will likely experience an exponential increase in value, as banks like Bank of America continue to drive investments into the space.

There is more demand for peer-to-peer cash than digital gold – Vinny Lingham

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Subject: There is more demand for peer-to-peer cash than digital gold – Vinny Lingham

There is more demand for peer-to-peer cash than digital gold – Vinny Lingham

There is more demand for peer-to-peer cash than digital gold – Vinny Lingham

Civic CEO and "Bitcoin Oracle" Vinny Lingham has weighed in on the Bitcoin versus Bitcoin Cash debate in an interview with MyBroadband.

Lingham has been involved in the cryptocurrency industry for years, and describes himself as an active investor focused on blockchain technology projects.

Lingham's Civic is an identity verification project which allows users to prove their identity with blockchain technology.

"Old" Bitcoin vs Bitcoin

The debate between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash advocates has raged since the inception of the "Cash" cryptocurrency during a hard fork in 2017.

Proponents of both coins laud their cryptocurrency as "the one true Bitcoin", often pointing out the limitations of the opposing technology to substantiate their claims.

One of the major differences between the two blockchains is their approach towards scaling.

While Bitcoin opts to implement Segregated Witness and second-layer scaling solutions like the Lightning Network, Bitcoin Cash relies on increased block sizes.

Currently, Bitcoin Cash is a lot cheaper to transfer and use, while Bitcoin is perceived to be more stable and widespread.

"At the moment, Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash are focusing on two completely different markets," Lingham told MyBroadband.

"Bitcoin Cash is most commonly used for fast payments, as a medium of exchange, and Bitcoin is the better suited for store of value, in my opinion," he said.

"When I look at it from the product standpoint, I think the greater demand is for peer-to-peer cash than for digital gold, given the size and velocity of the markets."

He said there is still uncertainty about the potential adoption of Bitcoin Cash, however.

"It remains to be seen if the network effect around Bitcoin Cash can grow faster than Bitcoin's," said Lingham.

"The question is: Can Bitcoin Cash catch up to Bitcoin if it focuses just on payments?"

Crypto vs cash

Bitcoin Cash is designed to function as a substitute, and possible replacement, for cash – offering fungibility and security.

While cryptocurrencies have steadily gained the attention of mainstream consumers, Lingham said there is a long way to go before they could replace cash as a medium of exchange.

He said what we are seeing now is the beginning of a token economy.

"Blockchain technologies are changing the way the world functions, and I believe this is just the beginning of the token economy," said Lingham.

"The primary value of the token infrastructure will be related to the adoption of the infrastructure, the cost of transactions and network security," he said.

"It will not be pegged to the value of the underlying assets on that network, but rather the activity levels for trading those assets."

He predicted the demand for Ethereum and Bitcoin would rise on fiat-to-crypto exchanges in the short term, leading to possible widespread adoption and utilisation of the technology in mainstream applications.

"Given that these token assets can typically only be purchased on exchanges that accept cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, the demand for Bitcoin and Ethereum will rise at the fiat onramps," said Lingham.

"However, once the token economy grows and becomes more mainstream, it's not far-fetched to believe that you could one day buy a CoffeeCoin, blockchain-based stock, or Civic token directly via your bank or brokerage account."