Jokowi’s consent needed for governors to run for president


Jakarta, posted: Wed, July 25, 2018 | 10:07 am

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo and Vice President Jusuf Kalla lead a limited Cabinet meeting on June 26. (JP/Seto Wardhana)

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo is requiring regional heads to ask for his permission to run for president or vice president.

A government regulation signed by the President on July 18 stipulates that all regional heads must ask for the president's permission should they seek candidacy in the 2019 presidential election.

"Governors, deputy governors, regents, deputy regents, mayors or deputy mayors supported by political parties to serve as their presidential or vice presidential candidate must ask permission from the president," Article 29 of the regulation says.

The regulation, implemented on July 19, further explains that the president will give permission, at the most 15 days after receiving official letters from those seeking candidacy. Moreover, if within 15 days a candidate does not receive an official response from the president, permission can be considered to have been granted.  

The political parties backing the regional heads running for the country's top posts must also submit a copy of the permission request to the General Elections Commission (KPU).

Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan and West Nusa Tenggara Governor M. Zainul Majdi, aka Tuan Guru Bajang (TGB) are among those being touted by political parties and analysts as possible candidates in the 2019 presidential race.

The regulation also stipulates resignation procedures for officials running in the legislative election held concurrently with the presidential election, next year.

In 2014, Jokowi, who then served as Jakarta governor, had also asked then-president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's permission to take leave to run in the presidential election that same year. (rin)

Fw: Colossal-Sized American Bank On Verge of Collapse?

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Dear Reader:

This could be the most important thing you've EVER heard for the sake of your finances... your retirement... even your family.

That's because a well-known colossal-sized American bank could be on the verge of a catastrophic collapse...

They're 70-times more leveraged than Lehman Brothers was before it went bankrupt in 2008.

It's a collapse that will erase $44 trillion (yes, "trillion") off the map—in the blink of an eye.

Nobody in the financial media has come across this yet.

In fact, I doubt 1-in-1,000 people is privy to this bank's fast-approaching demise.

Just like nobody believed Lehman Brothers, a 158-year-old American mainstay, would ever collapse.

But we've gotten to the bottom of the accounting hoax behind this next big American bank to go under.

And I can only reach one conclusion:

This bank's collapse is not only inevitable...

It's imminent.

And just like Lehman, the government won't bail them out.

To warn our customers about what's going to happen, we've released an alarming new video.

To see which big American bank could go bankrupt, click here now.

Yours truly,

Michael Lombardi, MBA
Founder, Profit Confidential


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Fwd: Bank of Litecoin

Litecoin Foundation acquires nearly 10 percent of a German bank; Augur passes CryptoKitties on dapp charts
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July 10, 2018
CONVERGENCE:  The Litecoin Foundation, the non-profit that supports the sixth-largest cryptocurrency, has acquired a nearly 10 percent stake in a German bank. This unusual deal is the result of a new strategic partnership with TokenPay, a crypto-to-fiat payments firm, which traded its 9.9 percent equity stake in WEG Bank AG to the foundation for the latter's technical assistance.  Full Story 

THIS AUGURS WELL: The launch of Augur appears to have been well received in the crypto community, at least by one measure. Just 12 hours after its launch, the decentralized prediction market became the fifth-most popular dapp on the ethereum blockchain by total users, even surpassing CryptoKitties, the popular virtual game. Full Story 

IN THE SANDBOX: The London Stock Exchange Group and the Financial Conduct Authority, the U.K. financial regulator, are working with two blockchain startups to test out tokenized equity. Full Story


At Finova Financial, we see blockchain and crypto replacing Wall Street with something bigger and better. Taking business and investment to the blockchain will lower barriers to entry while creating a more transparent and agile environment for enterprises and entrepreneurs. Visit our website and see what blockchain and crypto pioneers like Jeremy Gardner and Finova's Gregory Keough have to say.

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BANK SHOT: The price of litecoin soared to a session high of $81 on Wednesday following the news of the Litecoin Foundation's acquisition of a stake in a German bank. But the technical charts remain biased in favor of the bears. Full Story

You might not know it from the headline, but Bloomberg columnist Noah Smith is a bitcoin bull. Of sorts. 

Bitcoin is called "digital gold" for good reason. Much like gold, it has a finite supply and a positive expected return, Smith writes. Citing finance theory, he notes that an asset with high expected rate of return should also be volatile. Indeed, the world's largest cryptocurrency by market cap has declined by about two-thirds this year, but it's still worth three times more than a year ago. Though the volatility makes bitcoin less useful as money, Smith argues, it's also unlikely that interest in bitcoin will ever die out. And before you question whether he has skin in the game, Smith says he owns some.  


QUARTZ: Coinbase has seen a slump in app downloads amid a price rout in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. The once top-ranking U.S. finance app, in terms of downloads, has fallen to 40th in the June rankings, its lowest level since April 2017. The article suggests the drop reflects the "fleeting fancy" of retail investors, who are the major players in crypto markets.

FORBES: ​Telegram, the Russian-developed messaging app, is filling a void in the initial coin offering market while all the major social media companies in the U.S. have banned ICO advertising, Kenneth Rapoza writes. The messaging service is now the biggest ICO hub in the world.

CNBCIsrael's state attorney's office indicted a former employee of cybersecurity company NSO Group for stealing source code tied to a software product that's sold as a surveillance tool for government clients. The alleged data thief, who hasn't been identified, attempted to sell the code to the company's competitors for $50 million in cryptocurrency.This CNBC report shows how the Israeli company traced down the alleged data theft.

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Isu ttg Serbuan TKA China ternyata cuma Hoax.

Untuk membuktikan apakah benar TKA dari China menyerbu atau menguasai pabrik. Kami datangi semua, mulai dari kantin pekerja, mess pekerja China, pabrik, bahkan ruang operator. Jumlah karyawan asing ada 2500 TKA-nya. Sementara pekerja lokalnya mencapai 28.000 orang!!! Artinya TKA tidak sampai 10% dan memiliki izin kerja yang sah. Ini dibuktikan oleh laporan pejabat Imigrasi Kemenkum HAM di sana," ujar Dede dalam postingannya, dilihat detikcom pada Minggu (8/7/2018). 

"Saat ini masih dibutuhkan 10.000 tambahan karyawan lagi, semuanya tenaga lokal dan lowongan terbuka bagi umum. Mungkin ada yang berminat?" lanjutnya. 

Banyaknya TKA yang berada di PT tersebut diperkirakan karena adanya pembangunan smelter pada 2014 hingga 2016 lalu. Usai smelter rampung, TKA yang tinggal di lokasi PT IMIP hanya sekitar 10 persen. 

"Mungkin dulu pada saat pembangunan smelter diawal 2014-2016 banyak TKA yang keluar masuk dengan kontrak per 2-3 bulan. Setelah Smelter berdiri, hanya 10% TKA yang tinggal. Untuk meneruskan Transfer Technologi kepada pekerja lokal.So once again, kami tidak menemukan serbuan TKA, yang ada justru puluhan ribu pekerja kita yang berasal dari sekitar Sulawesi," jelasnya. 

Perang Dagang AS vs Indonesia dan RRC (Ekonomi dan Politik)

Perang dagang AS vs China. AS vs Indonesia 
( ekonomi dan politik)

AS akan me- review GSP (The Generalized System of Preferences/Sistem Preferensi Umum) Indonesia dan ada sekitar 124 yang akan kena watch list. Indonesia menyikapinya dengan tenang bahwa Indonesia akan membalas balik. Tetapi upaya lobi terus dilakukan oleh kedua belah pihak baik AS maupun Indonesia. Yang jelas kalau eskalasi sikap keras Trump menutup jalur perundingan maka perang dagang tidak bisa dihindari. Apakah AS untung ? Tidak juga. Kapitalisasi bisnis AS di Indonesia sangat besar.  Kalau Indonesia menerapkan tarif yang sama seperti AS maka petani AS akan kehilangan pasar kedelai di Indonesia. Banyak industri AS high Tech dibidang telekomunikasi , IT dan alat berat akan kena imbas kehilangan pasar. 

Apakah Indonesia untung ? Tidak juga. Pasar ekspor Indonesia ke AS sampai sekarang termasuk besar. Kalau perang dagang dilakukan akan banyak eksportir kita kehilangan pasar. Singkatnya tidak ada yang untung. Dampaknya bagi dunia usaha di AS dan Indonesia sangat luas. Dan ini dampaknya ke bursa saham dan pasar uang secara signifant. Kurs mata uang akan bertumbangan. Sangat sistemik sekali.  Lantas mengapa sampai AS melakukan perang dagang dunia? Karena Trumps menganggap selama ini AS telah dibohongi negara lain dalam perdagangan bebas. AS lebih banyak dikorbankan daripada di untungkan.  Padahal masalah ekonomi AS bukan karana kebebasan pasar tetapi karana struktur ekonominya lebih banyak kepada kekuatan konsumsi domestik tanpa didukung oleh perluasan industri dan daya saing.

Ciri khas negara yang tumbuh ekonominya karana kekuatan konsumsi domestik adalah kebijakan kredit longgar. Kalau tadinya QE digunakan untuk melonggarkan likuiditas namun faktanya tidak mengalir ke rakyat lewat konsumsi. Karena syarat kredit yang ketat. LTV yang hampir 100% dan credit rating yang tinggi bagi debitur sehingga sulit bagi rakyat dan dunia usaha mengakses likuiditas perbankan. Akhirnya uang mengalir ke pasar uang global yang berbunga tinggi seperti negara emerging market. Di era Trumps, suku bunga dinaikkan agar likuiditas mengalir pulang kampung. Pada waktu bersamaan Trumps menurunkan LTV dan pelonggaran credit rating. Akibatnya bank berlomba lomba menawarkan pinjaman mudah kepada publik. Tetapi sebagian besar uang perbankan mengalir ke kredit konsumsi. Tidak produksi. Mall padat didatangi pengunjung. Purchasing power meningkat. Pengangguran terserap. Semua sektor menggeliat. 

Tetapi itu semua bukan karena income yang berlebih akibat upah dan laba meningkat. Itu semua karana longgarnya kredit. Hanya masalah waktu apabila AS tidak bisa meningkatkan produktifitas maka daya beli yang dipicu oleh hutang itu akan berbalik jadi hiper inflasi dan jatuhnya sistem perbankan akibat kredit macet. Masalahnya bagaimana meningkatkan produksi bila daya saing AS rendah? Itulah alasan pragamatis Trumps meningkatkan tarif impor agar produksi dalam negeri dapat bersaing sehingga orang terpacu  untuk berproduksi. Akan tetapi Trump lupa bahwa walau produksi dalam negeri rendah namun semua konglomerat AS punya basis produksi di China dan negara lain. Kalau perang dagang diterapkan Trump maka yang pertama rugi adalah para konglomerat AS yang juga pembayar pajak mayoritas terbesar di AS. Tentu laba mereka akan turun dan penerimaan pajak AS juga turun.

Trump menyadari ini. Sikapnya sama seperti panglima perang AS Eisenhower yang mendapat perintah dari presiden AS menjatuhkan  Hitler melalui pendaratan di Normandi yang disadari akan jatuh korban lebih 1 juta tentara AS. Ike tidak peduli karana tujuannya memenangkan  peperangan bukan pertempuran. AS sadar bahwa raksasa ekonomi masa depan adalah Indonesia dan China. Dia engga peduli berapa korban jatuh. Targetnya bagaimana menjatuhkan rezim komunis di china dan rezim Jokowi di Indonesia. Trump sadar bahwa kapasitas ekonomi AS itu raksasa yang akan mampu perang panjang. Tetapi China dengan beban 1 miliar lebih penduduk dan Indonesia yang seluas London Siberia, tidak akan mampu bertahan lama. Hanya masalah waktu , Trump berkeyakinan dua negara ini akan jatuh untuk tunduk dibawah hegemoni AS.

China beruntung karena rakyatnya sudah selesai dengan masalah politik. Mereka setia berjuang mendukung pemerintah. Apapun resikonya. Mereka siap suffering. Tetapi di Indonesia ada banyak proxy siap menjadi pengkhianat atas nama agama atau nasionalis.  Siap menjadi presiden proxy AS. Itulah yang mengkawatirkan. Semoga Tuhan bersama kita. 

Semoga Jokowi tetap diberi kekuatan dan kesabaran menghadapi perang yang tidak mudah...